The Valkyrie Dragons is Rhode Island’s first, and only, women’s dragon boat team. Our members are committed to supporting each other on and off the water, building healthy bodies and minds, learning to compete at their best, and introducing this sport to others.

2024 Race Schedule


Competition. Strength. Community.

→ Why Dragon Boating?

No matter how we came to this sport, we all love the rush of competition, and the feeling of being one with every member on the boat. When we pull together, using our minds and bodies, we win.

→ Why Women Only?

All-women sports create a safe space for empowerment and inclusion. The Valkyrie Dragons provides a safe space for women to discover their athletic identities in a sport that highlights the strength of the team, instead of the individual. A team may have strong paddlers, but if they don’t pull together, they don’t win.

→ Why Valkyrie?

Valkyries are strongly associated with bravery, strength, courage and fairness. These are the characteristics which embody this group of women. Together, we overcome adversity on and off the water. Together, we are stronger. 


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